AOL Chat
August 1994
Mtvmail: Kate and Jill from Luscious Jackson will be here in a minute…
DavidO6444: (2) fla
Mtvmail: For those of you who don’t know…
DQUILLEN: (2) {S Wild Eep}yah hoo
Mtvmail: Luscious Jackson is a four woman band from NYC
Mi10518907: (2) What is this place all about?
GS516: (2) they’re going to answer questions. You can ask a question if you click on interact
DQUILLEN: (2) In a few min. Lus. Jackson will be here and we can interact w/ them.
Mi10518907: (2) Who is Lus Jackson
DavidO6444: (2) you kidding
DQUILLEN: (2) Look up^
Mtvmail: They are funk, soul, rock, and rap influenced
Mi10518907: (2) ok
Mtvmail: in a strong, female fashion!
DQUILLEN: (2) They kick ass!
Mtvmail: They combine samples and live instrumentation….
Mi10518907: (2) I just never heard of them before.
DQUILLEN: (2) You will~!
LuscKate: $Duh…
Mtvmail: DQUILLEN:
Question: Is Luscious Jackson coming on soon?
Mtvmail: Yes, Kate and Jill are IN THE HOUSE
LuscJill: YES we’re here.
LuscKate: Hello, all you in cyberspace.
Mtvmail: Johnnyroc: Question: you guys kick so much ass what other albums do you plan to bring out in the future you
Question: fucking rule
LuscJill: please ask us interesting questions you freaky people out there
LuscKate: What a mouth you have to you talk to your mother with that mouth?
LuscKate: $next
Mtvmail: Xethimus:
Question: Where are you?
LuscJill: our new album Natural Ingredients will be out on Aug, 23 this month!
Mtvmail: We are in Heaven with half of LusciousJackson listeningto Curtis MAyfield
LuscKate: We are in a high rise building in mid-town Manhatten.
LuscJill: we’re in the hippest spot in town dude
LuscKate: $next
Mtvmail: Rob Man 1:
Question: is thier any videos I may have seen?
LuscJill: yes, CitySong was on 120 minutes on Sunday. Call and smother them with requests pronto!
TIMBO67: Radiorock:
Question: what do you guys listen to in the tourbus?
LuscKate: I listen to the sound my knees make when I bend and staighten them
Mtvmail: Besides the wind….
LuscJill: we listened to Spearhead (Michael Franti’s new group, rad), Seal, Alex Young hip hop jazz
LuscJill: tapes, he’s our new DJ. I like MC Solaar and Ben Harper
LuscKate: I really do listen to the sound of the wind…
Mtvmail: Ride the wind Kate. Ride the Wind…
LuscKate: ride like the wind
Mtvmail: So… You guys have known each other for a long time, huh?
LuscKate: Jill and I have known each othe since we were little kids- we went the same pre-school
Mtvmail: What was performing at Lollapalooza like?
LuscJill: lots of porto potties and mud and sun and rock stars in silly clothes
TIMBO67: Blastmag:
Question: (To Jill and/or Kate) Which character is Reservoir Dogs do you identify with the most?
Comment: you guys kicked ass at lollapalooza
LuscKate: I enjoyed roller blading backstage while Clinton was on
Mtvmail: How much of “NYC” is in your Musik…. or vice versa?
LuscKate: We watched that movie in the tour bus but I fell asleep…
Comment: Honestly, you guys are the most chill girls around.
LuscKate: Start spreading the news…
LuscJill: All of it. The filth, the curry, the rollerblades.
TIMBO67: Radiorock:
Question: How did u get your name?
Comment: You are the coolest band ever.
LuscKate: Jill stole it from a basketball player
Question: Hey, did you guys find Manny yet? (from a daughter of the kaos)
Mtvmail: I’m sure he’s grateful…
Question: mtv should play lusc jackson every hour .
LuscKate: we are being called “chill” and “cool”, but are we “fat”?
LuscJill: no, thank god, because he might sue us for using his picture without permission.
Mtvmail: or are you PHRESH PHUNKY PHATT ‘N STUFF?
TIMBO67: JamminJon:
Question: What do you think of Howard Stern?
LuscKate: What do YOU think of him?
LuscJill: he’s a typical nasal new yorkah who blows his cigarette smoke in your face at restaurants.
TIMBO67: ReubenKin:
Question: Do you ever intend to eat live bats on stage like Ozzy did?
Mtvmail: The new album is called “Natural Ingredients”…..
LuscJill: I stopped eating bats in 1986.
LuscKate: I think I’ve gotton a bug fly in my mouth when we played Lolla…
Mtvmail: I guess that would include Monosodium Glutamate…
Question: i was wondering what your connection is with the beastie boys? what are they like? why
Question: didnt you tour with lollapalooza?
LuscKate: They are short and have grey hair
Question: Do you have boyfriends, if not I’ll get you my #?
Mtvmail: The BATS!
LuscKate: Wait a minute, Jill, didn’t we tour with Lolla.
LuscKate: Whats your sign
Mtvmail: Year Of TheMonkey baby… get with me.
LuscJill: We already answered that.
TIMBO67: Etnies2:
Question: Jill have you been in other bands?
LuscKate: My sign is DUH
LuscJill: Yes, I was in Anne B, Davis, Jaws, and Hippies with Guns.
TIMBO67: Irish Red:
Question: what kind of band are you?
Mtvmail: They are kicking off a tour onSept 15th… At the Trocadero….
Mtvmail: In Philly
Comment: Me thinks this is fun!
LuscJill: Duh.
LuscJill: Don’t take it personally, we’re really stupid.
TIMBO67: Qpc:
Question: hey you 2 energy donors. Here at my work (Wired mag) you have gotten us thru many a day.
Question: I know i personally was saved from tears oftentimes by the onslaught of one of your CDs. the
Question: new album is hot shit.
Mtvmail: Jill was a big clog dancer at Ukrainian Hall parties ….
LuscKate: Those are very kind words, thanks a billion
LuscJill: Thanks a lot. You’re who we’re writing for.
TIMBO67: Scabbies:
Question: Is it true luscKate gave up a lucrative photo research career to become a rocker
Mtvmail: Could it be…. the world waits with baited breath to find out…
LuscKate: Yes, why , were you one of my clients?
TIMBO67: SIpnSide:
Question: I heard that Luscious comes from a guy your mom knew named Lucifer and he was a
Question: Pimp-Daddy-Cool-Guy, Is this true
Mtvmail: The old record, “In Search Of Manny”, which is just as good as the new one at least…
Mtvmail: Is out August 23rd. We already have it but we won’t make you a copy….
LuscKate: Thats an even better answer, I think we will use that from now on.
Mtvmail: You’ll have to buy it and set your own beautiful mind free
LuscJill: Manny was Gabby’s mom’s boyfriend in 1971 and was way cool.
TIMBO67: JVL24601:
Question: When are you going to appear in Playboy?
LuscKate: Didn’t you get that issue?
LuscJill: We were in Hustler with g strings and Kate was in Juggs last July.
Question: how many Birthday parties did you girls have to play befor ya got noticed!!!!!………:-)
LuscKate: I’ve written many letters to Forum
Mtvmail: Kate, isn’t your code name actually Xaviera Hollander?
LuscKate: It’s Jill’s birthday today
LuscJill: We played the worst gig of our lives in Poughkeepsie for someone’s drunken frat party hell
LuscKate: I dont even know how to pronounce that
TIMBO67: Outkast11:
Question: what kind of criticism do u get 4 being a all girl group?
LuscKate: Are u Prince?
LuscJill: 4 yur info we are only applauded for our wrestling abilities
TIMBO67: Xethimus:
Question: How long has your band been around?
LuscJill: 3years and counting.
LuscKate: We are spreading like wildfire
TIMBO67: Jennifer67:
Question: tell me tell me who are the boys who make your hearts flutter?
LuscJill: Seal, Ben Harper, little Beck for Gab, Scott Gregoire my b.f.
TIMBO67: David0644:
Question: could i be your roadie?
LuscKate: Can you Dance?
LuscJill: can you do monitors too? we are in desperate need, so yes.
Mtvmail: You don’t want to know what they do to their roadies…
TIMBO67: Foxtrotte:
Question: Whichn band Lollapalooza do you enjoy the most
LuscKate: Do you enjoy giving long foot massages?
Mtvmail: with goat blood even…
LuscKate: I love the Breeders, Flaming Lips, L7, Beasties
LuscJill: i enjoyed Beasties, Clinton, L7, Breeders, Flaming lips.
TIMBO67: AlenaD:
Question: HI, what’s your favorite cereal? 🙂
Mtvmail: There’s a Citysong EP with 5 songs on it that’s totally sold out…
Mtvmail: So if you can find it….
LuscJill: crispy brown rice with cocoa soy milk from the health food store.
LuscKate: Sugar corn pops
TIMBO67: Scabbies:
Mtvmail: Or the 12″… the big big beautiful orange vinyl 12″…
Question: Is it true that Princess Stephanie of Monaco is an important influence to Kate
LuscKate: She once autographed my Yves Saint Laurent silk scarf
TIMBO67: Pharcyded
Question: Mc Solaar kicks ass!! Do you guys like any particular Jazzers?!?!
LuscKate: Dave Brubeck?
LuscJill: Donald Byrd, JOhn Coltrane, Miles, MIngus, Monk, all the graddaddies my dad loved
TIMBO67: Xethimus:
Question: Have you been in a cyberspace chat room like this before? What do you think of it?
LuscJill: It’s sweaty and addictive for me
Mtvmail: How do you guys feel sampling and instruments should work together?
LuscKate: I’m a virgin
Mtvmail: “Being typed for the very first time”
LuscKate: sampling is an instrument
Question: Is it true that you’re dating Sylvester Stallone’s little brother Squiggy?
LuscJill: We work it really hard
LuscKate: Like Lenny and Squiggy?
LuscJill: on Laverne and Shirley? are any of you from Milwaukee?
Mtvmail: I’ve heard he’s got a real muffin tuckus anyway.
Mtvmail: So….
Mtvmail: The new record….
Mtvmail: I’ve heard its….
Mtvmail: kind of….
TIMBO67: Christy13:
Question: Where does the line “only a roll will save my soul” come from?
LuscJill: We’re suddenly really into the midwest after Lollapolooza. You guys got spunk.
Mtvmail: good.
LuscJill: It’s about sex.
Question: are any of you hot sexy ladies single!!!!!??
LuscJill: we’re all frigid.
Mtvmail: What was it like being in the second wave of 80’s punk weirdness in New York?
TIMBO67: Blastmag:
Question: Do you consider yourself a RIOT GRRL group–what genre of music would you label
Question: yourselves–if any?? And puleeze–I’m tired of the “female vers. of B. Boyz”…..
LuscKate: Neither of us but the other two maybe
Comment: You are definitle fat.
Comment: PHAT
LuscJill: we’re on diets. and we’re not riots.
TIMBO67: Scott HOC:
Question: did you get to hang with the funk man at all?
Mtvmail: I really like the combination of so many different sounds you mesh together on the record.
LuscJill: I met the Clinton female bass player Starr and she was so cool and I felt close to P funk.
TIMBO67: K72ndSt:
Mtvmail: It hall comes out sounding Soooooo….. Melllooowwww
Question: What is your favorite subway line in NYC?
LuscKate: I chilled with the guy who wears the wedding dress in Clinton’s band
LuscKate: I like the number 6
Mtvmail: Soylent Green is made out of people! It’s made out of people!
LuscKate: To serve man is a cookbook!
LuscJill: I like the # 2 and 3 because it skips so many stops and goes so friggin fast and everyone
LuscJill: sleeps because they’re new york jaded people
TIMBO67: Xethimus:
LuscKate: I like wwhen we stop in the tunnel and the lights go out
Mtvmail: Which line was it that the cracksmokin conductor crashed last year?
Question: Do you feal that rap music causes kids to become violent?
LuscJill: is this a mom talking?
Comment: I dont live in NYC but i think it is a farce
LuscKate: That was the 6 I believe-at Union Sq.
Mtvmail: thanks…
LuscJill: do you live in Chicago, where my relatives live, who compete with NY?
Question: Do you grils miss the boredums?
LuscKate: Violence causes kids to become violent
Mtvmail: The Boredoms…. Japan’s latest “ROCK-DIPLOMATS” (tm.)
LuscJill: I love the Boredoms and they saved our ass when Kate got stuck in traffic on Lollapolooza.
LuscKate: The boredoms were wonderful, their drummer, Atari, rescued us when I got caught in traffic
Mtvmail: So, how do you guys find your samples?
LuscKate: We look under the carpet and behind the cushions
Mtvmail: Do you ever build songs around them, or do you include them in songs you’ve written?
LuscJill: we listen to records from Thrift stores and flea markets and pop’s collection.
LuscJill: we do both.
Mtvmail: Do you listen to Manny’s old records?
TIMBO67: MarkSWeis
Question: Do you consider yourselves hip-hop? Do you care about genre labels?
LuscKate: Gabby did, does
LuscJill: Genre labels are for the same people who believe that we’re all slackers.
Question: Are you Babes going on tour or what???
LuscKate: Sept 16 thru Oct 16 on the East coast, mid-west
Mtvmail: Starting sept 15th in Philly at the Trocadero…
LuscJill: we sure are, honey, all through the mid west and south and northeast in Sept and October.
LuscKate: West coast in Winter
TIMBO67: Scott HOC:
Question: who is manny and why are you searching for him?
Mtvmail: They already answered that!
LuscKate: We are no longer searching for manny
LuscJill: He was the coolest guy on the block in 71.
TIMBO67: Lauen508:
Question: Why did you decide to do this?
LuscKate: Jill and I are the only musicians in NY who can type
LuscJill: we hated all our other “careers” and Mike D. is so cute, we couldn’t refuse his sex offer
Mtvmail: Who writes the lyrics? And what level of importance do you guys think lyrics are in music?
TIMBO67: Bob 9s:
Question: hey LJ…….do either of you realize how hot you are??
Question: you mean PHAT??
Mtvmail: or PHARM PHRESH?
LuscJill: we’re on the Phunky Phat diet plan to gain weight in our asses only.
Mtvmail: So… who writes those lyrics?
LuscKate: I need a drink of water cause I’m feeling quite warm at the moment
LuscJill: Lyrics are really important to me cause I write them, and I love reading other lyrics.
Mtvmail: What are some of your favorite lyrics from your songs?
LuscKate: I cant understand English so most lyrics confuse me
Mtvmail: S O C, Que Es?
Mtvmail: socks
LuscKate: La la la la la ooooo oooooo
LuscJill: Energy Sucker I’m a goddess not your mother
Mtvmail: What purpose do men serve?
LuscJill: Kate forgot how to read and speak since High School
LuscKate: To lift heavy things I think mainly
LuscJill: and manly
Mtvmail: Ahhh yes… the lifting game… let me help you with that honey, it looks heavy…
LuscKate: so I can see your butt crack
Mtvmail: So what are your politics? Do they show up in your music?
LuscJill: and to give us some intellectual breathing room. girls are way too smart.
Mtvmail: sooo….
Mtvmail: sew…
Mtvmail: politcs…
LuscJill: I’m politically bereft.
Mtvmail: The politics of DANCING? the politics of OOOOH, FEELING GOOD?
LuscKate: We are individually political and dont hit people over the head with it
LuscJill: Politics are in everything from buying coffee to bike riding in aggressive traffic.
LuscKate: Live and let live…
Mtvmail: Blade on siter…
Mtvmail: sister….
LuscKate: what ever floats your boat…
TIMBO67: $I’m back
Mtvmail: How does your music differ from other contemporary FE-BANDS?
LuscKate: She Ra, Princess of Power!!!
TIMBO67: Aaron A S:
Question: Do you gals wanna be big MTV superstars like Nirvana, Guns N ‘ Roses, etc.?
LuscJill: we want to reach nirvana in this lifetime.
LuscKate: Like the dolphin in the G&R video…
Mtvmail: Without you they’re nothing, darling…
TIMBO67: KnghtStru:
LuscKate: I have her work out tape and it made my legs sore
LuscJill: She’s no Patti Hansen.
TIMBO67: Scabbies:
Mtvmail: She invented the fax machine right?
Question: How is your band simular to the band in Russ Meyer’s “Beyond the Valley of the Dolls”
LuscKate: Z man is awesome!
LuscJill: We’re way foxier.
TIMBO67: Blastmag:
Question: So which one of you was the receptionist @ Thrasher?
LuscJill: I was.
LuscKate: “It’s my happening at it freaks me out!
TIMBO67: Christy13:
Question: Kate, let’s here about the early days playing w/ the Beastie Boys!
Question: you girls are so 70’s.
LuscKate: I was a young impressionable girl, they made me laugh
TIMBO67: HammerX:
Question: where are you guys from
LuscKate: We are in our 70’s
Mtvmail: If you want to know more about the rave sensation, the raw Luscious sound that’s sweeping
Mtvmail: the nation…
LuscKate: New York New York
Mtvmail: check out the latest issues of Spin,
Mtvmail: Sassy,
Mtvmail: Vibe,
TIMBO67: SLpnSlide:
Question: Do you guys have Phat cars with BOOMIN’ systems?
Mtvmail: Rolling Stone,
LuscKate: Jill and I read New Yorker
Mtvmail: Elle,
Mtvmail: You can collect all the photos and cherish them…
LuscJill: I can’t drive never have driven except once in a parking lot.
LuscKate: I’m trying to get a drivers license
Question: do ya think all women bands get the credit they deserve??
LuscKate: We are on the cover of yesterdays science of the times (ny times)
Mtvmail: They’re playing at Luna Park on the 25th of Aug in LA… on the 26th, instore performance
Mtvmail: at the Tower Lab at 5:00pm…
TIMBO67: Aaron A S:
LuscJill: no because people think they’re incompetent from the get go so youve got to prove it alway
Question: Do you have a fan club?
LuscKate: Plug plug plug away
LuscKate: no would you like to run ours?
TIMBO67: Scott HOC:
Comment: I think jill should change her name to janet, then you could be kate jackson and janet
Comment: jackson
Mtvmail: You can go do “data entry” with the closest Luscious circles…
Mtvmail: They are in search of an INTERN…
LuscKate: I heart Kate Jackson
Mtvmail: So if you are named Manny it will help…
LuscJill: Yes write to Cozy Shack, 35 Bedford St. #32 NY NY 10014 for fan club info. We need an …
LuscJill: intern to do data entry. It’s fun.
TIMBO67: Chronic94:
Question: Is Gabby Glaser related to Alexis?
Mtvmail: A Lexus?
LuscKate: janet should change her name to Luscious
LuscJill: Gabby has so few relatives it would make you weep
TIMBO67: David0644:
Question: you ever inhale?
LuscKate: only noxious fumes
LuscJill: Some do some don’t
Mtvmail: Sometimes they exhale….
TIMBO67: Dj 15Min:
Question: When you come thru D.C. will you play at my club or am I being too rediculious?
LuscJill: HOw big are you?
LuscKate: how big is your sandbox?
TIMBO67: JoePug:
Question: Do you resent being tagged as the “Beastie Boys” discovery, or are you comfortable with
Question: the association?
LuscJill: How much water can you hold?
LuscKate: It takes a strong man
LuscJill: How much cherry soda can you inhale?
TIMBO67: David0644:
Question: what groups suck in you opinion,and do you watch tv nation,whats your favorite film or tv
Question: shows?
Question: I like you crazy girls…you got spunk
LuscKate: taste is in the ear of the beholder
LuscKate: oompa pa
LuscJill: I like Public Access in NY, Bob Ross’s painting show is soo soothing.
LuscKate: I like the simpsons, seinfeld, charlies angels, absolutly fabulous
LuscKate: i like the alaska show too…
LuscJill: the transvestite cooking show, Beyond Vaudeville with their cooky guests. Coca Crystal.
TIMBO67: SgntSausg:
Question: What do you do in your free time ?
LuscKate: mary tyler moore,bob newhart
Question: Happy B-day!
LuscJill: I do loads of yoga.
LuscKate: i clean
Question: happy birthday jill kis kis
LuscJill: Thanks you guys and gals.
Question: do you guys like guys or girls?
LuscKate: in what manner do you mean?
LuscJill: we swing all ways in this band
LuscJill: we love Plato’s retreat, the swinger’s paradise
LuscKate: we love all groove mongers, male or female
Mtvmail: So we’re about to wind it up here….
LuscKate: our car is waiting to sweep us downtown
Mtvmail: The Luscious Ones have to go soon…..
LuscJill: thanks folks, we’re leaving now, come see us play and have a great time always.
Mtvmail: So we’ll take the last few questions….
Mtvmail: Or maybe not!
LuscKate: im hungry and thirsty
LuscKate: hey to Chicken and Mo who might be reading this
TIMBO67: Scabbies:
Question: TO Kate: To answer your question, I used to work with you. I really must return your
Question: Princess Stephanie Record. I feel horibly guilty
Mtvmail: So, thanks for showing up everybody! Stay tuned for more events in the very near future…
Mtvmail: We’re rescheduling…..
LuscKate: You still work there? OY VEY
LuscJill: Bye bye you lovers!
Reprinted without permission, if you want something taken down, just ask and i’ll oblige
©1996-2007 The Luscious Jackson Source